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Vibe da Planet

Vibe da Planet provides fast, simple, and affordable accounting and payroll software. Vibe da Planet created products to help businesses keep the two things they don’t have enough of... time and money.

Vibe da Planet

Client Background

Vibe da Planet offers fast, simple, and affordable accounting and payroll software designed to help businesses save time and money. By creating intuitive and efficient products, Vibe da Planet addresses two of the most critical resources that businesses often lack: time and money.

The Challenge

Despite having a strong product offering, Vibe da Planet faced challenges in differentiating themselves in a competitive market filled with established accounting and payroll software providers. They needed to communicate their unique value proposition effectively and build a brand identity that resonated with small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Additionally, they aimed to expand their market presence and increase customer adoption.

The Solution

Vibe da Planet partnered with a branding agency to redefine their brand identity and develop a strategic marketing plan. The approach included:

Brand Strategy and Positioning:

  • Conducting market research to understand customer needs, perceptions, and competitive landscape.

  • Defining Vibe da Planet’s core values, mission, and vision to align with their commitment to simplicity, affordability, and efficiency.

  • Developing a unique brand positioning statement that emphasizes Vibe da Planet’s focus on saving businesses time and money.

Visual Identity Redesign:

  • Creating a new logo that symbolizes efficiency, simplicity, and reliability.

  • Selecting a color palette and typography that reflect Vibe da Planet’s approachable and professional nature.

  • Designing marketing materials, including business cards, brochures, and digital assets, to ensure consistent visual communication.

Brand Messaging and Communication:

  • Crafting a compelling brand story that highlights Vibe da Planet’s mission to provide fast, simple, and affordable accounting and payroll solutions.

  • Developing a consistent brand voice that resonates with SMBs and emphasizes the practical benefits of Vibe da Planet’s products.

  • Creating key messaging frameworks for various communication channels, including the website, social media, and marketing campaigns.

Implementation and Launch:

  • Developing a comprehensive brand guidelines document to ensure consistency in brand application.

  • Planning and executing a strategic brand launch campaign to introduce the new identity to existing customers and the broader market.

  • Training Vibe da Planet’s internal team to effectively communicate and embody the new brand identity.

Implementation and Results

The rebranding process was executed over six months, involving the following stages:

Stage 1: Research and Strategy Development:

  • Market research and stakeholder interviews were conducted to inform the brand strategy.

  • A clear brand positioning statement and messaging framework were established.

Stage 2: Visual and Messaging Redesign:

  • The new visual identity, including logo, color scheme, and typography, was designed and finalized.

  • Brand messaging and communication guidelines were created.

Stage 3: Brand Launch and Internal Alignment:

  • A brand launch event was organized, along with a digital marketing campaign to unveil the new identity.

  • Internal training sessions were held to ensure all employees understood and embraced the new brand.

Post-launch, Vibe da Planet observed significant positive outcomes:

Market Perception:

  • Positive feedback from customers and industry stakeholders regarding the refreshed and efficient brand identity.

  • Increased brand recognition and credibility among target audiences in the SMB sector.

Customer Engagement and Growth:

  • A 35% increase in website traffic and social media engagement within the first quarter post-launch.

  • An uptick in customer inquiries and new business opportunities, attributed to the strong brand presence and strategic marketing efforts.

Internal Alignment and Morale:

  • Enhanced employee morale and alignment with the company’s mission and values.

  • Improved consistency in brand communication across all departments and channels.


The rebranding initiative successfully transformed Vibe da Planet’s brand identity, aligning it with their commitment to providing fast, simple, and affordable accounting and payroll solutions. By creating a brand that resonates with SMBs, Vibe da Planet has strengthened its market presence and positioned itself as a trusted leader in the accounting and payroll software industry. This case study demonstrates the impact of a strategic and well-executed rebranding process in driving business success and fostering strong connections with stakeholders.

This artwork originally designed by Maks Arbuzov and appeared on Behance.


Vibe da Planet, Russia



